# Copyright 2014 the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.linalg import hankel, expm
from progressbar import ProgressBar, Bar, Percentage
[docs]class Raw(object):
'''bemio.io.bem internal calss to store various data
def __init__(self):
[docs]class HydrodynamicCoefficients(object):
'''bemio.io.bem internal calss to store hydrodynamic coefficients
def __init__(self):
self.irf = ImpulseResponseFunction()
self.ss = StateSpaceRealization()
[docs]class ImpulseResponseFunction(object):
'''bemio.io.bem internal calss to store impulse response function data
def __init__(self):
[docs]class StateSpaceRealization(object):
'''bemio.io.bem internal calss to store state space realization data
def __init__(self):
[docs]class HydrodynamicData(object):
'''Class to store hydrodynamic data from NEMOH, WAMIT, and AQWA simulations
rho : float
Water density
g : float
Acceleration due to gravity
wave_dir : np.array
Array of wave directions used to calculate hydrodynamic coefficients
num_bodies : int
Number of bodies in the BEM simulation
cg : np.array, shape = [3,1]
Center of gravity
cg : np.array, shape = [3,1]
Center of buoyancy
k : np.array, shape = [6,6]
Linear hydrostatic restoring stiffness
T : np.array
Wave periods considered in BEM simulation
w : np.array
Wave frequencies considered in BEM simulation
wp_area : float
Water plan area
buoy_force : float
Buoyancy force acting on the body in the equelibrium position
disp_volume : float
Water volume displaced by the body in the equelibrium position
water_depth : float
Water depth considered in the BEM simulation
body_num : int
Body number of the body in the BEM simulation
scaled : bool
Flag that indicates if the hydrodynamic coefficients have been
scaled. See the bemio.data_structures.bem.scale for more
name : string
Name of the body in the BEM simulation
bem_code : string
Name of the BWM code used to generate the hydrodynamic coefficients.
bem_raw_data : string
BEM output file
am : HydrodynamicCoefficients
Object containing the added mass coefficients. Attribuites of the am object are:
am.all : np.array
Three dimensional array containing the added mass data.
The array is comprised of added mass matricies for each
frequency (`w`) of the BEM simulation. `am.all[0,0,:]` contains
the added mass matrix corresponding to `w[0]`, `am.all[1,1,:]`
contains the added mass matrix corresponding to `w[1]`, and so
am.inf : np.array
Two dimensional array containing the infiniate frequency added
mass data.
am.zero : np.array
Two dimensional array containing the zero frequency added
mass data.
ex : HydrodynamicCoefficients
Object containing excitation force coefficinets. Attribuites of the ex object are:
ex.mag : np.array
Magnitude of the excitation force for each frequency (`w`)
of the BEM simulation. `ex.re[0,:,:]` contains
the coefficients corresponding to `w[0]`, `ex.mag[1,:,:]`
contains the coefficients corresponding to `w[1]`, and so
ex.phase : np.array
Phase angle of the excitation force magnitude. The data
structure is organized the same way as ex.mag.
ex.re : np.array
Real component of the excitation force. The data structure is
organized the same way as ex.mag.
ex.im : np.array
Imaginary component of the excitation force. The data structure is
organized the same way as `ex.mag`.
ex.sc : HydrodynamicCoefficients
A data object that contains wave scattering force coefficnets.
The orginization of the `ex.sc` coefficients is the same as the
`ex` object.
ex.fk : HydrodynamicCoefficients
A data object that contains Froud-Krylof force coefficnets.
The orginization of the `ex.fk` coefficients is the same as the
`ex` object.
ex.rao : HydrodynamicCoefficients
Object that contains response amplitude operator information.
ex.ssy : HydrodynamicCoefficients
Object that contains WAMIT specific SSY data. See the WAMIT
users manual for more information. (Note: This variable
description needs to be improved)
This object is created by the bemio.io data readers and its purpose
is to contain hydrodynamic coefficients from NEMOH, WAMIT, and AQWA
data is a standard format.
def __init__(self):
# Default values
self.rho = 1000.
self.g = 9.81
self.wave_dir = 0
self.num_bodies = 0
# np.array([])
self.cg = 'not_defined'
self.cb = 'not_defined'
self.k = 'not_defined'
self.T = 'not_defined'
self.w = 'not_defined'
# np.floats()
self.wp_area = 'not_defined'
self.buoy_force = 'not_defined'
self.disp_vol = 'not_defined'
self.water_depth = 'not_defined'
self.body_num = 'not_defined'
# strings`
self.scaled = 'not_defined'
self.name = 'not_defined'
self.bem_code = 'not_defined'
self.bem_raw_data = 'not_defined'
# objects
self.am = HydrodynamicCoefficients()
self.rd = HydrodynamicCoefficients()
self.ex = HydrodynamicCoefficients()
self.ex.sc = HydrodynamicCoefficients()
self.ex.fk = HydrodynamicCoefficients()
self.rao = HydrodynamicCoefficients()
self.ssy = HydrodynamicCoefficients()
def __repr__(self):
'''Custom output
out_string = 'Body name: ' + str(self.name) + \
'\n Body number: ' + str(self.body_num) +\
'\n Total number of bodies: ' + str(self.num_bodies) + \
'\n Displaced volume (m^3): ' + str(self.disp_vol) + \
'\n Center of gravity (m): ' + str(self.cg) + \
'\n Center of buoyancy (m): ' + str(self.cb)
return out_string
[docs] def calc_irf_excitation(self, t_end=100.0, n_t=1001, n_w=1001, w_min=None, w_max=None):
'''Function to calculate the excitation impulse response function. For
more information please see equation 2.12 in:
Dynamics Modeling and Loads Analysis of an Offshore Floating Wind
Turbine, J. M Jonkman, 2007, NREL/TP-500-41958
t_end : float
Calculation range for the IRF. The IRF is calculated from -t_end
to t_end
n_t : int
Number of timesteps in the IRF
n_w : int
Number of frequecy steps to use in the IRF calculation. If the
frequency steps are different from the loaded BEM data, the
excitation coefficinets are interpolated.
No variables are directily returned by thi function. The following
internal variables are calculated:
self.ex.irf.t : np.array
Timesteps at which the IRF is calculated
self.ex.irf.w : np.array
Frequency steps used to calculate the IRF
self.ex.irf.f : np.array
The excitation force IRF. This is a
3 dimensional np.array:
dim 1: number of degrees of freedom of the floating body,
typically 6, dim 2: 1, dim 3: size(self.ex.irf.t)
When using this function it is important to look at the resulting
IRF to insure that it is physical. The user may need to adjust the
t_end, n_t, and n_w values in order to generate a realistic IRF.
Once a HydrodynamicData data object is created (called 'hydro_data'
here), the calc_irf_excitation function can be called:
>>> hydro_data.calc_irf_excitation()
The data can be plotted using matplotlib
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(hydro_data.ex.irf.t,hydro_data.ex.irf.f)
>>> plt.show()
if w_min is None:
w_min = self.w.min()
if w_max is None:
w_max = self.w.max()
self.ex.irf.t = np.linspace(-t_end, t_end, n_t)
self.ex.irf.w = np.linspace(w_min, w_max, n_w)
self.ex.irf.f = np.zeros([self.ex.mag.shape[0], self.ex.mag.shape[1], self.ex.irf.t.size])
ex_re_interp = _interpolate_for_irf(self.w, self.ex.irf.w, self.ex.re)
ex_im_interp = _interpolate_for_irf(self.w, self.ex.irf.w, self.ex.im)
pbar_maxval = self.ex.irf.t.size * self.ex.mag.shape[0] * self.ex.mag.shape[1]
pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Excitation force IRF for ' + self.name + ':', Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=pbar_maxval).start()
count = 1
for t_ind, t in enumerate(self.ex.irf.t):
for i in xrange(self.ex.mag.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(self.ex.mag.shape[1]):
tmp = ex_re_interp[i, j, :] * np.cos(self.ex.irf.w * t) - ex_im_interp[i, j, :] * np.sin(self.ex.irf.w * t)
tmp *= 1. / np.pi
self.ex.irf.f[i, j, t_ind] = np.trapz(y=tmp, x=self.ex.irf.w)
count += 1
[docs] def calc_irf_radiation(self, t_end=100., n_t=1001, n_w=1001, w_min=None, w_max=None):
'''Function to calculate the wave radiation impulse response function.
For more information please see Section 2.4.2 in:
Dynamics Modeling and Loads Analysis of an Offshore Floating Wind
Turbine, J. M Jonkman, 2007, NREL/TP-500-41958,
and Section 13.6-7 in:
WAMIT v7.0 Users Manual, http://www.wamit.com/manual.htm
t_end : float
Calculation range for the IRF. The IRF is calculated from 0 to
n_t : int
Number of timesteps in the IRF
n_w : int
Number of frequecy steps to use in the IRF calculation. If the
frequency steps are different from the loaded BEM data, the
radiation damping coefficinets are interpolated.
w_min : float, optional
Minimum frequency to use in IRF calculation. If no vlaue is
given, this defaults to the minimum frequency from the BEM
w_max : float, optional
Maximum frequency to use in IRF calculation. If no vlaue is
given, this defaults to the maximum frequency from the BEM
No variables are directily returned by thi function. The following
internal variables are calculated:
self.rd.irf.t : np.array
Timesteps at which the IRF is calculated
self.rd.irf.w : np.array
Frequency steps used to calculate the IRF
self.rd.irf.L : np.array
The wave radiation IRF. This is a 3 dimensional np.array
with dim 1: Number of degrees of freedom for the given body,
dim 2: Number of degrees of freedom in the entire floating
system. For example, two 6 degree of freedom bodies will
result in a dimension of 12, dim 3: size(self.ex.irf.t)
self.rd.irf.L : np.array
When using this function it is important to look at the resulting
IRF to insure that it is physical. The user may need to adjust the
t_end, n_t, and n_w values in order to generate a realistic IRF.
if w_min is None:
w_min = self.w.min()
if w_max is None:
w_max = self.w.max()
self.rd.irf.t = np.linspace(0, t_end, n_t)
self.rd.irf.w = np.linspace(w_min, w_max, n_w)
self.rd.irf.L = np.zeros(
[self.am.inf.shape[0], self.am.inf.shape[1], self.rd.irf.t.size])
self.rd.irf.K = np.zeros(
[self.am.inf.shape[0], self.am.inf.shape[1], self.rd.irf.t.size])
rd_interp = _interpolate_for_irf(self.w, self.rd.irf.w, self.rd.all)
# Calculate the IRF
pbar_max_val = self.rd.irf.t.size * self.rd.all.shape[0] * self.rd.all.shape[1]
pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Radiation damping IRF for ' + self.name + ':', Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=pbar_max_val).start()
count = 1
for t_ind, t in enumerate(self.rd.irf.t):
for i in xrange(self.rd.all.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(self.rd.all.shape[1]):
# Radiation damping calculation method
tmpL = 2. / np.pi * rd_interp[i, j, :] * np.sin(self.rd.irf.w * t)
tmpK = 2. / np.pi * rd_interp[i, j, :] * np.cos(self.rd.irf.w * t)
# Different IRF calculation methods are needed for dimensional and
# nondimensional hydro coefficients
if self.scaled is False:
tmpK *= self.rd.irf.w
elif self.scaled is True:
tmpL /= self.rd.irf.w
self.rd.irf.K[i, j, t_ind] = np.trapz(y=tmpK, x=self.rd.irf.w)
self.rd.irf.L[i, j, t_ind] = np.trapz(y=tmpL, x=self.rd.irf.w)
count += 1
[docs] def calc_ss_radiation(self, max_order=10, r2_thresh=0.95):
'''Function to calculate the state space reailization of the wave
radiation IRF.
max_order : int
Maximum order of the state space reailization fit
r2_thresh : float
The R^2 threshold used for the fit. THe value must be between 0
and 1
No variables are directily returned by thi function. The following
internal variables are calculated:
Ass :
time-invariant state matrix
Bss :
time-invariant input matrix
Css :
time-invariant output matrix
Dss :
time-invariant feedthrough matrix
k_ss_est :
Impusle response function as cacluated from state space
status :
status of the realization, 0 - zero hydrodynamic oefficients, 1
- state space realization meets R2 thresholdm 2 - state space
realization does not meet R2 threshold and at ss_max limit
dt = self.rd.irf.t[2] - self.rd.irf.t[1]
r2bt = np.zeros([self.am.inf.shape[0], self.am.inf.shape[0], self.rd.irf.t.size])
k_ss_est = np.zeros(self.rd.irf.t.size)
self.rd.ss.irk_bss = np.zeros([self.am.inf.shape[0], self.am.inf.shape[0], self.rd.irf.t.size])
self.rd.ss.A = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], max_order, max_order])
self.rd.ss.B = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], max_order, 1])
self.rd.ss.C = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], 1, max_order])
self.rd.ss.D = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], 1])
self.rd.ss.irk_bss = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1], self.rd.irf.t.size])
self.rd.ss.rad_conv = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1]])
self.rd.ss.it = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1]])
self.rd.ss.r2t = np.zeros([6, self.am.inf.shape[1]])
pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=['Radiation damping state space realization for ' + self.name + ':', Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=self.am.inf.shape[0] * self.am.inf.shape[1]).start()
count = 0
for i in xrange(self.am.inf.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(self.am.inf.shape[1]):
r2bt = np.linalg.norm(
self.rd.irf.K[i, j, :] - self.rd.irf.K.mean(axis=2)[i, j])
ss = 2 # Initial state space order
if r2bt != 0.0:
while True:
# Perform Hankel Singular Value Decomposition
y = dt * self.rd.irf.K[i, j, :]
h = hankel(y[1::])
u, svh, v = np.linalg.svd(h)
u1 = u[0:self.rd.irf.t.size - 2, 0:ss]
v1 = v.T[0:self.rd.irf.t.size - 2, 0:ss]
u2 = u[1:self.rd.irf.t.size - 1, 0:ss]
sqs = np.sqrt(svh[0:ss].reshape(ss, 1))
invss = 1 / sqs
ubar = np.dot(u1.T, u2)
a = ubar * np.dot(invss, sqs.T)
b = v1[0, :].reshape(ss, 1) * sqs
c = u1[0, :].reshape(1, ss) * sqs.T
d = y[0]
CoeA = dt / 2
CoeB = 1
CoeC = -CoeA
CoeD = 1
# (T/2*I + T/2*A)^{-1} = 2/T(I + A)^{-1}
iidd = np.linalg.inv(CoeA * np.eye(ss) - CoeC * a)
# (A-I)2/T(I + A)^{-1} = 2/T(A-I)(I + A)^{-1}
ac = np.dot(CoeB * a - CoeD * np.eye(ss), iidd)
# (T/2+T/2)*2/T(I + A)^{-1}B = 2(I + A)^{-1}B
bc = (CoeA * CoeB - CoeC * CoeD) * np.dot(iidd, b)
# C * 2/T(I + A)^{-1} = 2/T(I + A)^{-1}
cc = np.dot(c, iidd)
# D - T/2C (2/T(I + A)^{-1})B = D - C(I + A)^{-1})B
dc = d + CoeC * np.dot(np.dot(c, iidd), b)
for jj in xrange(self.rd.irf.t.size):
# Calculate impulse response function from state space
# approximation
k_ss_est[jj] = np.dot(np.dot(cc, expm(ac * dt * jj)), bc)
# Calculate 2 norm of the difference between know and estimated
# values impulse response function
R2TT = np.linalg.norm(self.rd.irf.K[i, j, :] - k_ss_est)
# Calculate the R2 value for impulse response function
R2T = 1 - np.square(R2TT / r2bt)
# Check to see if threshold for the impulse response is meet
if R2T >= r2_thresh:
status = 1 # %Set status
# Check to see if limit on the state space order has been reached
if ss == max_order:
status = 2 # %Set status
ss = ss + 1 # Increase state space order
self.rd.ss.A[i, j, 0:ac.shape[0], 0:ac.shape[0]] = ac
self.rd.ss.B[i, j, 0:bc.shape[0], 0] = bc[:, 0]
self.rd.ss.C[i, j, 0, 0:cc.shape[1]] = cc[0, :]
self.rd.ss.D[i, j] = dc
self.rd.ss.irk_bss[i, j, :] = k_ss_est
self.rd.ss.rad_conv[i, j] = status
self.rd.ss.r2t[i, j] = R2T
self.rd.ss.it[i, j] = ss
count += 1
[docs] def scale(self, scale=None):
'''Function to scale the hydrodynamic coefficient.
scale (bool): Boolean operater to determin if hydrodynamic data
should be scaled. If `scale is True` self.am (added mass)
coeffcients are scaled by self.rho*self.g, self.ex (excitation)
coefficinets are scaled by self.rho*self.g, and self.rd
(radiation damping) coefficnets are scaled by self.rho*self.w.
If `scale is False` self.am (added mass) coeffcients are scaled by
1./(self.rho*self.g), self.ex (excitation) coefficinets are scaled by
1./(self.rho*self.g), and self.rd (radiation damping) coefficnets are
scaled by 1./(self.rho*self.w).
No variables are directily returned by thi function. Hydrodynamic
coefficnets are scaled as described above.
The bemio.io.nemoh, bemio.io.wamit, and bemio.io.aqwa functions read
data and return it with the `scale == False`. If the user wishes to
return data from these functions with `scale == True`, they shoud
specify the `scale` argument when the data is read or should call
the scale function after read. Regardless, for consistency, the
data should be scaled before the `calc_irf_radiation`,
`calc_irf_excitation`, or `calc_ss_radiation` functions are called.
Once a HydrodynamicData data object is created (called 'hydro_data'
here), the scalen function can be called:
>>> hydro_data.scale(scale=False)
if scale is not None:
self.scale = scale
if self.scale is True and self.scaled is False:
print '\tScaling hydro coefficients for body ' + self.name + ' by rho, g, and w...'
self.k *= self.rho * self.g
print '\t\tSpring stiffness not scaled'
self.am.all *= self.rho
self.am.inf *= self.rho
if hasattr(self.am,'zero') is True:
self.am.zero *= self.rho
self.ex.mag *= self.rho * self.g
self.ex.re *= self.rho * self.g
self.ex.im *= self.rho * self.g
if hasattr(self.ex.sc,'mag') is True:
self.ex.sc.mag *= self.rho * self.g
self.ex.sc.re *= self.rho * self.g
self.ex.sc.im *= self.rho * self.g
if hasattr(self.ex.fk,'mag') is True:
self.ex.fk.mag *= self.rho * self.g
self.ex.fk.re *= self.rho * self.g
self.ex.fk.im *= self.rho * self.g
for j in xrange(self.rd.all.shape[2]):
self.rd.all[:, :, j] = self.rd.all[:, :, j] * self.rho * self.w[j]
self.scaled = True
elif self.scale is False and self.scaled is True:
print '\tUn-scaling hydro coefficients for body ' + self.name + ' by rho, g, and w...'
self.k /= (self.rho * self.g)
print '\t\tSpring stiffness not un-scaled'
self.am.all /= self.rho
self.am.inf /= self.rho
if hasattr(self.am,'zero') is True:
self.am.zero /= self.rho
self.ex.mag /= (self.rho * self.g)
self.ex.re /= (self.rho * self.g)
self.ex.im /= (self.rho * self.g)
if hasattr(self.ex.sc,'mag') is True:
self.ex.sc.mag /= (self.rho * self.g)
self.ex.sc.re /= (self.rho * self.g)
self.ex.sc.im /= (self.rho * self.g)
if hasattr(self.ex.fk,'mag') is True:
self.ex.fk.mag /= (self.rho * self.g)
self.ex.fk.re /= (self.rho * self.g)
self.ex.fk.im /= (self.rho * self.g)
for j in xrange(self.rd.all.shape[2]):
self.rd.all[:, :, j] = self.rd.all[:, :, j] / (self.rho * self.w[j])
self.scaled = False
def _interpolate_for_irf(w_orig, w_interp, mat_in):
Interpolate matrices for the IRF calculations
mat_interp = np.zeros([mat_in.shape[0], mat_in.shape[1], w_interp.size])
flip = False
if w_orig[0] > w_orig[1]:
w_tmp = np.flipud(w_orig)
flip = True
w_tmp = w_orig
for i in xrange(mat_in.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(mat_in.shape[1]):
if flip is True:
rdTmp = np.flipud(mat_in[i, j, :])
rdTmp = mat_in[i, j, :]
f = interpolate.interp1d(x=w_tmp, y=rdTmp)
mat_interp[i, j, :] = f(w_interp)
return mat_interp
[docs]def generate_file_names(out_file):
Internal bemio function to generate filenames needed by hydroData module
out_file : str
Name of hydrodynamic data file
files : dictionary
A dictionary of file names used by bemio
out_file = os.path.abspath(out_file)
(path, file_name) = os.path.split(out_file)
file_name_raw, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)
files = {}
files['base_name'] = os.path.join(path, file_name_raw)
files['out'] = os.path.join(path, file_name)
files['hdf5'] = os.path.join(path, file_name_raw + '.h5')
files['pickle'] = os.path.join(path, file_name_raw + '.p')
return files