Source code for bemio.mesh_utilities.mesh

# Copyright 2014 the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module serves provides utilities to work with the following mesh types:
    - WAMTI
    - Nemoh
    - VTK Polydata
    - STL files

The functionality provided includes:
    - Ability to read mesh the mesh formats listed above
    - Ability to convert between mesh formats listed above
    - Utilities to calculate volume, surface area, linear spring stiffness, and other related mesh parameters.

import numpy as np

import imp

import os

from sys import platform as _platform

from copy import copy

from platform import system as _system


    import vtk
    from vtk.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy


    print 'The VTK Python module is required for a significant amnount of functionality in this module. Many functions will not be available for use.'

class VTK_Exception(Exception):

[docs]class PanelMesh(object): ''' Class to store mesh data. All mesh data is currently read and stored as quad elements. Tri elements are supported, but are stored as quad elements with a repeated point. Parameters: file_name : str Name of mesh file to read. Currently WAMIT (.gdf), Stereolithography (.stl), VTK PolyDATA (.vtp), and NEMOH (.dat) mesh formats are supported Attribuites: files : dictionary Dictionary containg input and output file names orig_type : str Mesh type of input file points : list List of points that define the mesh. `points[n] = [x coord, y coord, z coord]`. faces : list List of points that define connectivity for each face. `face[n] = [point 1 index , point 2 index, point 3 index, point 4 index]`, where 'point 1-4' are integres that correspond to the point index in the `points` attribuite. center_of_gravity : np.array Center of gravity of floating body center_of_buoyancy : np.array Center of buoyancy volume_vtk : np.array Mesh volume determined using VTK volume_x, y, and z : np.array Mesh volume determined using internal bemio calculations surface_area_vtk : float Surface area determined using VTK surface_area : float Surface area determined using internal bemio calculations normals : np.array Cell normals. This arrays is size `[faces.shape[0], 3]`. `normals[n] = [x, y, z]` is a vector that defines the normal vector for face `n` cell_surface_area : np.array Cell survace area. This array is size `[faces.shape[0], 3]`. `cell_surface_area[n]` is the surface aras of face[n]. centroid : np.array Cell centroid. This array is size `[faces.shape[0], 3]`. `cell_surface_area[n]` is centroid of face[n]. hydrostatic_stiffness : np.array The linear hydrostatic stiffness matrix of the mesh assuming the water surface is at z=0 bounds : dictionary The bounds of the mesh. `bounds['min']` and `bounds['max']` are the minimum and maximum mesh dimensions, respectively ''' def __init__(self,file_name): self.files = {} self.files['input_file'] = file_name self.orig_type = None self.points = [] self.faces = [] self.center_of_gravity = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) self._center_of_buoyancy = None self._volume_vtk = None self._volume_x = None self._volume_y = None self._volume_z = None self._surface_area = None self._surface_area_vtk = None self._normals = None self._cell_surface_area = None self._centroid = None self._hydrostatic_stiffness = None self._bounds = None self.zero_tol = -1.e-3 try: imp.find_module('vtk') self.VTK_installed = True except : self.VTK_installed = False if os.path.isfile(file_name) is False: raise Exception('The file ' + file_name + ' does not exist') def __repr__(self): out_string = 'Object type: bemio.mesh_utilities.mesh.PanelMesh' + \ '\nFile name: ' + str(self.files['input_file']) + \ '\nNumber of points: ' + str(self.points.shape[0]) + \ '\nNumber of faces: ' + str(self.faces.shape[0]) + \ '\nOriginal mesh type: ' + str(self.orig_type) + \ '\nMesh bounds:' + \ '\n\tMax: ' + str(self.bounds['max']) + \ '\n\tMin: ' + str(self.bounds['min']) + \ '\nCenter of mass: ' + str(self.center_of_gravity) + \ '\nCenter of buoyancy: ' + str(self.center_of_buoyancy) + \ '\nMesh volume [volume_x, volume_y, volume_z]: [' + str(self.volume_x) + ', ' + str(self.volume_y) + ', ' + str(self.volume_z) + ']' + \ '\nMesh surface area: ' + str(self.surface_area) + \ '\nHydrostatic stiffness: ' + \ '\n\tC[3,3], C[3,4], C[3,5]: ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[2,2]) + ', ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[2,3]) + ', ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[2,4]) + \ '\n\tC[4,4], C[4,5], C[4,6]: ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[3,3]) + ', ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[3,4]) + ', ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[3,5]) + \ '\n\tC[5,5], C[5,6]: ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[4,4]) + ', ' + str(self.hydrostatic_stiffness[4,5]) return out_string @ property def bounds(self, ): if self._bounds is None: self._bounds = {} self._bounds['max'] = self.points.max(axis=0) self._bounds['min'] = self.points.min(axis=0) return self._bounds @property def hydrostatic_stiffness(self, ): '''Getter for the `hydrostatic_stiffness` variable. Calculated as defined in Section 3.1 of the WAMIT v7.0 users manual. ''' if self._hydrostatic_stiffness is None: self._hydrostatic_stiffness = np.zeros([6,6]) for face_n,face in enumerate(self.faces): if self.points[face[0]][2] <= self.zero_tol or \ self.points[face[1]][2] <= self.zero_tol or \ self.points[face[2]][2] <= self.zero_tol or \ self.points[face[3]][2] <= self.zero_tol: self._hydrostatic_stiffness[2,2] += -self.normals[face_n][2] * self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[2,3] += -self.centroid[face_n][1] * self.normals[face_n][2] * self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[2,4] += self.centroid[face_n][0] * self.normals[face_n][2] * self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[3,3] += -self.centroid[face_n][1]**2 * self.normals[face_n][2] * self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[3,4] += self.centroid[face_n][0] * self.centroid[face_n][1] * self.normals[face_n][2] * self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[4,4] += -self.centroid[face_n][0]**2 * self.normals[face_n][2] * self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[3,3] += self.volume_x * self.center_of_buoyancy[2] - self.volume_x * self.center_of_gravity[2] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[3,5] += -self.volume_x * self.center_of_buoyancy[0] + self.volume_x * self.center_of_gravity[0] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[4,4] += self.volume_x * self.center_of_buoyancy[2] - self.volume_x * self.center_of_gravity[2] self._hydrostatic_stiffness[4,5] += -self.volume_x * self.center_of_buoyancy[1] + self.volume_x * self.center_of_gravity[1] print 'Calculated hydorstatic stiffness' return self._hydrostatic_stiffness @property def center_of_buoyancy(self, ): '''Getter for the `center_of_buoyancy` variable. Calculated as defined in Section 3.1 of the WAMIT v7.0 users manual. ''' if self._center_of_buoyancy is None: x_b = 0. y_b = 0. z_b = 0. self._center_of_buoyancy = 0. for face_n,face in enumerate(self.faces): if self.points[face[0]][2] <= self.zero_tol or \ self.points[face[1]][2] <= self.zero_tol or \ self.points[face[2]][2] <= self.zero_tol or \ self.points[face[3]][2] <= self.zero_tol: x_b += self.normals[face_n][0]*self.centroid[face_n][0]**2*self.cell_surface_area[face_n] y_b += self.normals[face_n][1]*self.centroid[face_n][1]**2*self.cell_surface_area[face_n] z_b += self.normals[face_n][2]*self.centroid[face_n][2]**2*self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._center_of_buoyancy = 1./(2.*self.volume_x )*np.array([x_b, y_b, z_b]) print 'Calculated the center of buoyancy' return self._center_of_buoyancy @property def normals(self, ): if self._normals is None: self._normals = {} for face_n in xrange(self.faces.shape[0]): a = self.points[self.faces[face_n][1]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][0]] b = self.points[self.faces[face_n][2]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][1]] self._normals[face_n] = np.cross(a,b) if self._normals[face_n][0] == 0. and self._normals[face_n][1] == 0. and self._normals[face_n][2] == 0.: a = self.points[self.faces[face_n][2]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][1]] b = self.points[self.faces[face_n][3]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][2]] self._normals[face_n] = np.cross(a,b) if self._normals[face_n][0] == 0. and self._normals[face_n][1] == 0. and self._normals[face_n][2] == 0.: a = self.points[self.faces[face_n][2]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][0]] b = self.points[self.faces[face_n][3]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][2]] self._normals[face_n] = np.cross(a,b) self._normals[face_n] /= np.linalg.norm(self._normals[face_n]) print 'Calculated mesh cell normals' return self._normals @property def cell_surface_area(self): '''Getter for `cell_surface_area` Calculated ''' if self._cell_surface_area is None: self._cell_surface_area = {} for face_n in xrange(self.faces.shape[0]): a = self.points[self.faces[face_n][1]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][0]] b = self.points[self.faces[face_n][2]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][1]] c = self.points[self.faces[face_n][3]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][2]] d = self.points[self.faces[face_n][0]] - self.points[self.faces[face_n][3]] self._cell_surface_area[face_n] = 1./2. * ( np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a,b)) + np.linalg.norm(np.cross(c,d)) ) print 'Calculated surface cell area' return self._cell_surface_area @property def surface_area(self): if self._surface_area is None: self._surface_area = sum(self.cell_surface_area.values()) print 'Calculated surface area' return self._surface_area @property def volume_vtk(self): if self.VTK_installed is False: raise VTK_Exception('VTK must be installed to access the volume_vtk property') if self._volume_vtk is None: tri_converter = vtk.vtkTriangleFilter() tri_converter.SetInputDataObject(self.vtp_mesh) tri_converter.Update() tri_mesh = tri_converter.GetOutput() mass_props = vtk.vtkMassProperties() mass_props.SetInputDataObject(tri_mesh) self._volume_vtk = mass_props.GetVolume() print 'Calculated mesh volume using VTK library' return self._volume_vtk @property def centroid(self): if self._centroid is None: self._centroid = {} for face_n,face in enumerate(self.faces): points = [self.points[face[0]], self.points[face[1]], self.points[face[2]], self.points[face[3]]] points = map(np.asarray, set(map(tuple, points))) # This removes duplicate points... somehow self._centroid[face_n] = np.mean(points,axis=0) return self._centroid @property def volume_x(self): if self._volume_x is None: self._calc_component_vol() return self._volume_x @property def volume_y(self): if self._volume_y is None: self._calc_component_vol() return self._volume_y @property def volume_z(self): if self._volume_z is None: self._calc_component_vol() return self._volume_z @property def surface_area_vtk(self): if self.VTK_installed is False: raise VTK_Exception('VTK must be installed to access the surface_area_vtk property') if self._surface_area_vtk is None: tri_converter = vtk.vtkTriangleFilter() tri_converter.SetInputDataObject(self.vtp_mesh) tri_converter.Update() tri_mesh = tri_converter.GetOutput() mass_props = vtk.vtkMassProperties() mass_props.SetInputDataObject(tri_mesh) self._surface_area_vtk = mass_props.GetSurfaceArea() print 'Calculated mesh surface area using VTK Python bindings' return self._surface_area_vtk
[docs] def write(self,mesh_format='VTP'): '''Function to write NEMOH, WAMIT, or VTK PolyData formats. Parameters: mesh_format : string {'VTP', 'WAMIT', 'NEMOH'} Variable that specifies the mesh format to write. Examples: This example assumes that a mesh has been read by bemio and mesh data is contained in a `PanelMesh` object called `mesh` Here is how a WAMIT mesh would be written >>> mesh.write(mesh_format='WAMTI') ''' if mesh_format == 'VTK' or mesh_format == 'VTP': self._write_vtp() if mesh_format == 'WAMIT' or mesh_format == 'GDF': self._write_gdf() if mesh_format == 'NEMOH': self._write_nemoh()
[docs] def calculate_center_of_gravity_vtk(self, ): '''Function to calculate the center of gravity .. Note:: The VTK Pytnon bindings must be installed to use this function Examples: This example assumes that a mesh has been read by bemio and mesh data is contained in a `PanelMesh` object called `mesh` >>> mesh.calculate_center_of_gravity_vtk() ''' if self.VTK_installed is False: raise VTK_Exception('VTK must be installed to access the calculate_center_of_gravity_vtk function') com = vtk.vtkCenterOfMass() if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6: com.SetInputData(self.vtp_mesh) else: com.SetInput(self.vtp_mesh) com.Update() self.center_of_gravity = com.GetCenter() print 'Calculated center of gravity assuming uniform material density' # def cut(self,plane=2,value=0.0,direction=1):
'''This function is not currently working 100% ''' # self.collapse(plane,value,direction) # # tempFaces = [] # count = 0 # # for i in xrange(self.faces.shape[0]): # # delete_face = 0 # # for j in xrange(4): # # p = self.faces[i][j] # z = float(self.cords[int(p)][2]) # # if z == 0.: # delete_face += 1 # # if delete_face != 4: # tempFaces.append(self.faces[i]) # count += 1 # # print 'removed ' + str(count) + ' surface faces' # self.faces = tempFaces # self.faces.shape[0] = self.faces.shape[0]
[docs] def view(self, color=[0.5,1,0.5], opacity=1.0, save_png=False, camera_pos=[50,50,50], interact=True): '''Function to view the mesh using the VTK library Parameters: color : list, optional VTK color specification for the mesh opackty : float, optional VTK opacity for the mesh. Must be between 0. and 1. save_png : bool Boolean operater that determines if a .png image of the mesh is saved. interact : bool, optional Boolean operater that determines if the user can interact with the geometry (e.g. zoom and rotate) after it is displayed camera_pos : list, optional Camera position Examples: This example assumes that a mesh has been read by bemio and mesh data is contained in a `PanelMesh` object called `mesh` >>> mesh.view() The mesh view window must be closed in order to return command to the Python shell ''' if self.VTK_installed is False: raise VTK_Exception('VTK must be installed to use the view function') # Create a mapper and load VTP data into the mapper mapper=vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6: mapper.SetInputData(self.vtp_mesh) else: mapper.SetInput(self.vtp_mesh) # Create an actor that contains the data in the mapper actor=vtk.vtkActor() actor.GetProperty().SetColor(color) actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().EdgeVisibilityOn() # Camera camera = vtk.vtkCamera(); camera.SetPosition(camera_pos) camera.SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 0) # Add axes axes = vtk.vtkAxesActor() # Render the data ren = vtk.vtkRenderer() ren.AddActor(actor) ren.AddActor(axes) ren.SetActiveCamera(camera) # Create a render window renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renWin.AddRenderer(ren) renWin.SetSize(800, 800) # Start the visiuilization iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin) ren.SetBackground(0,0,0) renWin.Render() vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper().SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToPolygonOffset() if save_png is True: w2if = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() w2if.SetInput(renWin) w2if.Update() writer = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() writer.SetFileName(self.files['png_image']) writer.SetInputDataObject(w2if.GetOutput()) writer.Write() print 'Wrote mesh image to: ' + self.files['png_image'] if interact is True: iren.Start()
[docs] def scale(self, scale_vect): '''Function used to scale mesh objects in the x, y, and z directions. Parameters: scale_vect : list A list that contains the x, y, and z scale factors for the mesh Examples: This example assumes that a mesh has been read by bemio and mesh data is contained in a `PanelMesh` object called `mesh` Here is how to scale a mesh by a factor of 2 in the x direction and .5 in the y direction: >>> mesh.scale(scale_vect=[2, 0.5, 1]) ''' scale_vect = np.array(scale_vect) if scale_vect.size != 3: raise Exception('The scale_vect input must be a length 3 vector') self.points = self.points*scale_vect self.scale_vect = scale_vect self._create_vtp_mesh() print 'Scaled mesh by: ' + str(scale_vect)
[docs] def translate(self,translation_vect,translate_cog=True): '''Function used to translate mesh obvjects in the x, y, and z directions. Parameters: translation_vect : list A list that contains the desired x, y, and z translation for the mesh Examples: This example assumes that a mesh has been read by bemio and mesh data is contained in a `PanelMesh` object called `mesh` Here is how to translate a mesh by 2 in the x direction and .5 in the y direction: >>> mesh.translate(scale_vect=[2, 0.5, 0]) ''' translation_vect = np.array(translation_vect) if translation_vect.size != 3: raise Exception('The translation_vect input must be a length 3 vector') self.points += translation_vect self.translation_vect = translation_vect if translate_cog is True: self.center_of_gravity += translation_vect print 'Translated mesh by: ' + str(translation_vect) + '\nCenter of gravity is: ' + str(self.center_of_gravity)
[docs] def open(self): '''Function to open a VTK PolyData object in the default viewer of your operating system. .. Note:: This function is only available for OSX and Linux systems and and requires you have a program installed that has the ability to open VTK PolyData (.vtp) files. Example: This example assumes that a mesh has been read by bemio and mesh data is contained in a `PanelMesh` object called `mesh` >>> ''' self.write(mesh_format='VTP') if _system() == 'Darwin': os.system('open ' + self.files['vtp']) elif _system() == 'Linux': os.system('xdg ' + self.files['vtp']) else: raise Exception('The open function is only supported for OSX')
def _create_vtp_mesh(self): '''Internal function to creat a VTP mesh from the imported mesh data ''' if self.VTK_installed is True: self.vtp_mesh = vtk.vtkPolyData() points = vtk.vtkPoints() polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() for i in range(self.points.shape[0]): points.InsertPoint(i, self.points[i]) for i in range(self.faces.shape[0]): polys.InsertNextCell(_mk_vtk_id_list(self.faces[i])) self.vtp_mesh.SetPoints(points) self.vtp_mesh.SetPolys(polys) # def _collapse(self,plane=2,value=0.0,direction=1): #This function is not yet working 100% # '''Collapse points # ''' # for face,face_n in xrange(self.faces.shape[0]): # # for j in xrange(self.faces[i].size): # # p = int(self.faces[i][j]) # # if self.points[p][plane] > value*direction: # # self.points[p][plane] = value def _write_vtp(self): '''Internal function to write VTK PolyData mesh files ''' if self.VTK_installed is False: raise VTK_Exception('VTK must be installed write VTP/VTK meshes, please select a different output mesh_format') writer = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataWriter() writer.SetFileName(self.files['vtp']) if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6: writer.SetInputData(self.vtp_mesh) else: writer.SetInput(self.vtp_mesh) writer.SetDataModeToAscii() writer.Write() print 'Wrote VTK PolyData mesh to: ' + str(self.files['vtp']) def _write_nemoh(self): '''Internal function to write NEMOH mesh files ''' with open(self.files['nemoh'],'w') as fid: fid.write('2 0') # This should not be hard coded fid.write('\n') for i in xrange(self.points.shape[0]): fid.write(str(i+1) + ' ' +str(self.points[i]).replace('[','').replace(']','')) fid.write('\n') fid.write('0 0 0 0') fid.write('\n') for i in xrange(self.faces.shape[0]): fid.write(str(self.faces[i]+1).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace('.','')) fid.write('\n') fid.write('0 0 0 0') print 'Wrote NEMOH mesh to: ' + str(self.files['nemoh']) def _write_gdf(self): '''Internal function to write WAMIT mesh files ''' with open(self.files['wamit'],'w') as fid: fid.write('Mesh file written by') fid.write('\n') fid.write('1 9.80665 ULEN GRAV') fid.write('\n') fid.write('0 0 ISX ISY') fid.write('\n') fid.write(str(self.faces.shape[0])) fid.write('\n') for i,face in enumerate(self.faces): if np.size(face) is 4: # if the mesh element is a quad for j,pointKey in enumerate(face): fid.write(str(self.points[pointKey]).replace(',','').replace('[','').replace(']','') + '\n') if np.size(face) is 3: # if the mesh element is a tri faceMod = np.append(face,face[-1]) for j,pointKey in enumerate(faceMod): fid.write(str(self.points[pointKey]).replace(',','').replace('[','').replace(']','') + '\n') print 'Wrote WAMIT mesh to: ' + str(self.files['wamit']) def _calc_component_vol(self, ): '''Internal function to calculate mesh volume using the methods described in Section 3.1 the WAMIT v7.0 users manual. ''' self._volume_x = 0. self._volume_y = 0. self._volume_z = 0. volume = 0. for face_n in xrange(self.faces.shape[0]): volume += self.normals[face_n]*self.centroid[face_n]*self.cell_surface_area[face_n] self._volume_x = volume[0] self._volume_y = volume[1] self._volume_z = volume[2] print 'Calculated x y and z mesh volumes'
def _read_gdf(file_name): '''Internal function to read gdf wamit meshes ''' with open(file_name,'r') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() mesh_data = PanelMesh(file_name) mesh_data.orig_type = 'WAMIT (.gdf)' mesh_data.gdfLines = lines mesh_data.uLen = int(lines[1].split()[0]) mesh_data.gravity = float(lines[1].split()[1]) mesh_data.isx = float(lines[2].split()[0]) mesh_data.isy = float(lines[2].split()[1]) mesh_data.num_faces = int(lines[3].split()[0]) mesh_data.num_points = mesh_data.num_faces * 4 mesh_data.points = np.array([temp.split() for temp in lines[4:]]).astype(np.float) mesh_data.pointsString = [str(temp).replace("," ,'').replace('\r','') for temp in lines[4:]] # Output string for Nemoh mesh fil for panelNum,i in enumerate(np.arange(4,4+mesh_data.num_points,4)): mesh_data.faces.append(np.array([i-4,i-3,i-2,i-1])) mesh_data.faces = np.array(mesh_data.faces) return mesh_data def _read_stl(file_name): '''Internal function to read stl mesh files ''' reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() reader.SetFileName(file_name) reader.Update() mesh_data = PanelMesh(file_name) mesh_data.orig_type = 'Stereolithography (.stl)' mesh_data.num_faces = int(reader.GetOutput().GetNumberOfCells()) mesh_data.num_points = mesh_data.num_faces * 3 for i in range(mesh_data.num_faces): n = i*3 mesh_data.faces.append(np.array([n,n+1,n+2,n+2])) mesh_data.points.append(np.array(vtk_to_numpy(reader.GetOutput().GetCell(i).GetPoints().GetData()))) mesh_data.points = np.array(mesh_data.points).reshape([mesh_data.num_faces*3,3]) return mesh_data def _read_vtp(file_name): '''Internal function to read vtp mesh files ''' reader = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataReader() reader.SetFileName(file_name) reader.Update() mesh_data = PanelMesh(file_name) mesh_data.orig_type = 'VTK Polydata (.vtp)' readerOut = reader.GetOutput() mesh_data.num_faces = int(readerOut.GetNumberOfCells()) mesh_data.num_points = int(readerOut.GetNumberOfPoints()) for i in xrange(mesh_data.num_points): mesh_data.points.append(readerOut.GetPoint(i)) mesh_data.points = np.array(mesh_data.points) for i in xrange(mesh_data.num_faces): c = readerOut.GetCell(i) numCellPoints = int(c.GetNumberOfPoints()) idsTemp = [] for i in xrange(numCellPoints): idsTemp.append(int(c.GetPointId(i))) mesh_data.faces.append(np.array(idsTemp)) mesh_data.faces = np.array(mesh_data.faces) return mesh_data def _read_nemoh(file_name): '''Internal function to read nemoh mesh ''' with open(file_name,'r') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() temp = np.array([np.array(str(lines[i]).split()).astype(float) for i in range(1,np.size(lines))]) count = 0 mesh_data = PanelMesh(file_name) mesh_data.orig_type = 'NEMOH (.dat)' while temp[count,0] != 0.: mesh_data.points.append(temp[count,1:]) count += 1 count += 1 while sum(temp[count,:]) != 0.: mesh_data.faces.append(temp[count,:]) count += 1 mesh_data.points = np.array(mesh_data.points) mesh_data.faces = np.array(mesh_data.faces)-1 mesh_data.num_points = np.shape(mesh_data.points)[0] mesh_data.num_faces = np.shape(mesh_data.faces)[0] return mesh_data
[docs]def read(file_name): '''Function to read surface mesh files. Currently VTK PolyData (.vtk), WAMIT (.gdf), NEMOH (.dat), and Stereolithography (.stl) mesh formats are supported Parameters: file_name : str Name of the mesh file Returns: mesh_data : PanelMesh A PanelMesh object that contains the mesh data Exmaples: This example assumes that a VTK PlolyData mesh named mesh.vtp exists in the current working directory >>> mesh = read('mesh.vtp') The mesh can then be converted to another format using the `write` function. In this case a wamit mesh is created. >>> mesh.write(mesh_format='WAMIT') If the VTK python bindings are installed the mesh can be viewed using the following command: >>> mesh.view() If you would are using OSX or Linux and have Paraview installed you can view the file using the follwing command: >>> ''' print 'Reading mesh file: ' + str(file_name) file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name) (f_name,f_ext) = os.path.splitext(file_name) if f_ext == '.GDF' or f_ext == '.gdf': mesh_data = _read_gdf(file_name) elif f_ext == '.stl': mesh_data = _read_stl(file_name) elif f_ext == '.vtp': mesh_data = _read_vtp(file_name) elif f_ext == '.dat': mesh_data = _read_nemoh(file_name) else: raise Exception(f_ext + ' is an unsupported file mesh file type') mesh_data.files_base = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] + '_bemio_output' mesh_data.files['vtp'] = mesh_data.files_base + '.vtp' mesh_data.files['wamit'] = mesh_data.files_base + '.gdf' mesh_data.files['nemoh'] = mesh_data.files_base + '.dat' mesh_data.files['png'] = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] + '.png' if mesh_data.VTK_installed is True: mesh_data._create_vtp_mesh() print 'Successfully read mesh file: ' + str(file_name) return mesh_data
def _mk_vtk_id_list(it): ''' Internal function to make vtk id list object Parameters: it : list List of nodes that define a face Returns: vil: vtkIdList A vtkIdList object ''' vil = vtk.vtkIdList() for i in it: vil.InsertNextId(int(i)) return vil
[docs]def collapse_to_plane(mesh_obj, plane_ind=2, plane_loc=-1e-5, cut_dir=1.): '''Function to collapse points to a given plane .. Note:: This function is not yet implemented ''' pass
[docs]def cut_mesh(mesh_obj, plane_ind=2, plane_loc=-1e-5, cut_dir=1.): '''Function to remove cells on one side of plane .. Note:: This function is still early in the stages of development and needs to be improved and made more robust. Parameters: mesh_obj : PanelMesh Mesh object to cut plane_ind : int, optional Index of plane along which to cut the mesh, 0 == x, 1 == y, 2 == z plane_loc : float Location of the mesh cut cut_dir : int, {1, -1} Direction for the mesh cut Returns: cut_mesh : PanelMesh Panel mesh object that has been cut as specified Examples: None avaiable to data ''' cut_mesh = copy(mesh_obj) tempFaces = [] cut_mesh.removed_faces = [] cut_mesh.removed_points = [] for face_n,face in enumerate(cut_mesh.faces): if cut_mesh.points[face[0]][plane_ind] <= plane_loc*cut_dir or \ cut_mesh.points[face[1]][plane_ind] <= plane_loc*cut_dir or \ cut_mesh.points[face[2]][plane_ind] <= plane_loc*cut_dir or \ cut_mesh.points[face[3]][plane_ind] <= plane_loc*cut_dir: tempFaces.append(face) else: cut_mesh.removed_faces.append(face) cut_mesh.removed_points.append(cut_mesh.points[face[0]]) cut_mesh.removed_points.append(cut_mesh.points[face[1]]) cut_mesh.removed_points.append(cut_mesh.points[face[2]]) cut_mesh.removed_points.append(cut_mesh.points[face[3]]) cut_mesh.faces = np.array(tempFaces) cut_mesh.removed_faces = np.array(cut_mesh.removed_faces) cut_mesh.removed_points = np.array(cut_mesh.removed_points) cut_mesh._create_vtp_mesh() cut_mesh.files_base = os.path.splitext(cut_mesh.file_name)[0] + '_cut_mesh_bemio_output' print 'Cut mesh in direction [' + str(plane_ind) + '] in direction [' + str(cut_dir) + '] at the location [' + str(plane_loc) + ']' return cut_mesh