Source code for WDRT.shortTermExtreme

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This module contains tools for analysis of short-term (sea-state specific)
extremes, as well as some usefull statistical methods.


import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import scipy.stats as stats
import scipy.optimize as optim
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class ecmDist(): '''Class for extreme response distributions. Class provides basic functionality for statistical distributions as needed for extreme value analysis. Can be initialized via either PDF or CDF. Note: For pdf, cdf, and ppf toggle ecmDist.{function}.bounds_error to give an error or a NaN if input is outside of bounds(x). Attributes ---------- pdf : scipy.interpolate.interpolate.interp1d Probability density function cdf : scipy.interpolate.interpolate.interp1d Cumulative distribution function ppf : scipy.interpolate.interpolate.interp1d Percent point function (inverse cdf) getExpVal: method Expected value of distribution gerRthValue: method Rth percentile value of distribution ''' def __init__(self, x, pdf=None, cdf=None): '''Class initialization function Parameters ---------- x : np.array Response variable pdf : np.array Probability density function for x cdf : np.array Cumulative distribution function (a.k.a. distribution function) for x Example ------- To create an ecmDist object, you can use either the PDF:: >>> myDist1 = ste.ecmDist(x=my_x, pdf=my_PDF) or the CDF:: >>> myDist2 = ste.ecmDist(x=my_x, cdf=my_CDF) ''' # if only CDF is entered if pdf is None and not(cdf is None): self.cdf = interp.interp1d(x, cdf, bounds_error=True) pdf = cdf2pdf(x, cdf) self.pdf = interp.interp1d(x, pdf, bounds_error=True) # if only PDF is entered elif cdf is None and not(pdf is None): self.pdf = interp.interp1d(x, pdf, bounds_error=True) cdf = pdf2cdf(x, pdf) self.cdf = interp.interp1d(x, cdf, bounds_error=True) # if both CDF and PDF are entered elif any(not(x is None) for x in [pdf, cdf]): self.pdf = interp.interp1d(x, pdf, bounds_error=True) self.cdf = interp.interp1d(x, cdf, bounds_error=True) else: ValueError('pdf and/or cdf arguments must not be None') self.ppf = interp.interp1d(cdf, x, bounds_error=True) self.ccdf = interp.interp1d(x, 1 - cdf, bounds_error=True)
[docs] def getExpVal(self): '''Expected value from ecmDist. Finds expected value (mean) from distribution. Returns ------- ev : float Expected value (mean) Example ------- In order to find the expected value from the distribution >>> vExp = myDist.getExpVal() ''' m0 = np.trapz(self.pdf.y, self.pdf.x) m1 = np.trapz(self.pdf.y * self.pdf.x, self.pdf.x) ev = m1 / m0 return ev
[docs] def getRthVal(self, r): '''Rth percentile value from ecmDist. Finds value of cumulative distribution function for a given percentile. Parameters ---------- r : float Target percentile (0 < r < 1) Returns ------- xr : float Response for rth percentile Example ------- In order to find the 95th percentile value from the distribution:: >>> v95 = myDist.getRthVal(r=0.95) ''' m = np.argmin(abs(self.cdf.y - r)) xr = self.cdf.x[m] return xr
[docs]def empiricalPdf(x, bins, m=0): '''Returns an empirical probability density function. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Response variable bins : int Number of bins m : float Number of points below min(x). Use if x consists of only values above a certain minimum and PDF for entire population wanted. Returns ------- x_pdf : np.array Bin (x) locations pdf : np.array PDF values at x_pdf ''' pdf, y = np.histogram(x, bins=bins, density=True) N = len(x)+m area = 1. - 1.*m/(1.*N) pdf = pdf * area x_pdf = [] for ii in range(len(y) - 1): x_pdf.append(y[ii] + 0.5 * (y[ii + 1] - y[ii])) x_pdf = np.array(x_pdf) return x_pdf, pdf
[docs]def empiricalCdf(x,m=0): '''Returns an empirical cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Response variable m : float Number of points below min(x). Use if x consists of only values above a certain minimum and CDF for entire population wanted. Returns ------- x_cdf : np.array x locations cdf : np.array CDF values at x_cdf ''' x_cdf = np.sort(x) N = len(x_cdf) + m i = np.arange(N) + 1. cdf = (i) / (N + 1.) return x_cdf, cdf[int(m):]
[docs]def cdf2pdf(x, cdf): '''Calculates a probability density function from the cumulative distribution function via numerical differentiation. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Response variable cdf : np.array Cumulative distribution function values at x Returns ------- pdf : np.array Probability density function values at x ''' spl = interp.UnivariateSpline(x, cdf) spl.set_smoothing_factor(0) spl_1 = spl.derivative(n=1) pdf = spl_1(x) return pdf
[docs]def pdf2cdf(x, pdf): '''Calculates a cumulative distribution function from the probability density function via numerical integration. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Response variable pdf : np.array Probability density function values at x Returns ------- cdf : np.array Cumulative distribution function values at x ''' spl = interp.UnivariateSpline(x, pdf) spl.set_smoothing_factor(0) spl_1 = spl.derivative(n=-1) cdf = spl_1(x) return cdf
[docs]def loadtxt(filename, delimiter='ws'): '''Loads data from a ASCII file. First line is header with same delimiter as data, followed by data. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename delimiter: str Data delimiter. Default 'ws' for whitespace, use ',' for CSV files. Returns ------- data : dictionary Data as a dictionary: keys: str Header name for each column. values: np.array Column data ''' f = open(filename,'r') if delimiter=='ws': header = f.readline().rstrip().split() data_raw = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1) else: header = f.readline().rstrip().split(delimiter) data_raw = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=1) f.close() data = {} for icol in range(len(header)): data[header[icol].strip()] = data_raw[:,icol] return data
[docs]def globalPeaks(t, data): '''Finds the global peaks (maxima between consecutive zero up-crossings) of a zero-centered response time-series Parameters ---------- t : np.array Time vector data : np.array Response time-series Returns ------- t_peaks : np.array Time vector for peaks peaks : np.array Peaks of the response time-series ''' # eliminate zeros zeroMask = (data == 0) data[zeroMask] = 0.5 * np.min(np.abs(data)) # zero up-crossings diff = np.diff(np.sign(data)) zeroUpCrossings_mask = (diff == 2) | (diff == 1) zeroUpCrossings_index = np.where(zeroUpCrossings_mask)[0] zeroUpCrossings_index = np.append(zeroUpCrossings_index, len(data) - 1) # global peaks N = len(zeroUpCrossings_index) peaks = np.array([]) t_peaks = np.array([]) for i in range(N - 1): peak_index = np.argmax( data[zeroUpCrossings_index[i]:zeroUpCrossings_index[i + 1]]) t_peaks = np.append(t_peaks, t[zeroUpCrossings_index[i] + peak_index]) peaks = np.append(peaks, data[zeroUpCrossings_index[i] + peak_index]) # return return t_peaks, peaks
[docs]def blockMaxima(x, t, t_st): '''Finds the block maxima of a time-series. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Independent random variable (global peaks) t : np.array Time vector corresponding to x t_st : float Short-term period Returns ------- block_maxima: np.array Block maxima (i.e. largest peak in each block) ''' nblock = int(t[-1] / t_st) block_maxima = np.zeros(int(nblock)) for iblock in range(nblock): ix = x[(t >= iblock * t_st) & (t < (iblock+1)*t_st)] nx = len(ix) block_maxima[iblock] = np.max(ix) return block_maxima
[docs]def extremeDistribution_Weibull(x, x_e, t_x, t_st, locFlag=0): '''Approximates the short-term extreme distribution using the all peaks Weibull method. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Independent random variable (global peaks) x_e : np.array Array of x values at which to evaluate the short-term extreme CDF t_x : float Time length of the x array t_st : float Short-term period locFlag : boolean locFlag = 0: Location parameter of Weibull distribution is forced to zero locFlag = 1: Location parameter of Weibull distribution is calculated in fit Returns ------- stextreme_dist: ecmDist object Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. stextreme_dist: ecmDist object Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. peaks_dist: scipy.stats rv_frozen Probability distribution of the peaks. peaks_params: np.array length 4 Parameters of peak's distribution (Weibull) [shape_a, shape_c, loc, scale]. ''' # peaks distribution if locFlag == 0: peaks_params =, f0=1, floc=0) elif locFlag == 1: peaks_params =, f0=1) peaks_dist = stats.exponweib(a=peaks_params[0], c=peaks_params[1], loc=peaks_params[2], scale=peaks_params[3]) # short-term extreme distribution ratio = t_st / t_x N = len(x) N_st = N * ratio weib_cdf = peaks_dist.cdf(x_e) ste_cdf = weib_cdf ** N_st stextreme_dist = ecmDist(x_e, cdf=ste_cdf) # return return stextreme_dist, peaks_dist, peaks_params
[docs]def extremeDistribution_WeibullTailFit(x, x_e, t_x, t_st, avg=0, p0=None): '''Approximates the short-term extreme distribution using the Weibull tail fit method. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Independent random variable (global peaks) x_e : np.array Array of x values at which to evaluate the short-term extreme CDF t_x : float Time length of the x array t_st : float Short-term period avg : float The average of the time response, if this was substracted before identifying global peaks. Else it is assumed that the average is zero. p0 : list length 2: [float, float] Initial guess for the Weibull parameters [shape, scale] Returns ------- stextreme_dist: ecmDist object Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. stextreme_dist : ecmDist object Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. peaks_dist : scipy.stats rv_frozen Probability distribution of the peaks. subset_shape_params : np.array length 7 Shape parameter for each of the seven Weibull fits for the subsets of data corresponding to F>[0.65,0.7,...,0.95]. subset_scale_params : np.array length 7 Scale parameter for each of the seven Weibull fits for the subsets of data corresponding to F>[0.65,0.7,...,0.95]. peaks_params: np.array length 4 Parameters of peak's distribution (Weibull) [shape_a, shape_c, loc, scale]. ''' # Two-parameter weibull distribution def def weibCDF(yy, shape, scale): loc = 0 return 1. - np.exp(-1. * ((yy - loc) / scale)**shape) # Initial guess for Weibull parameters if p0 is None: p0_tmp =, f0=1, floc=0) p0 = np.zeros(2) p0[0] = p0_tmp[1] p0[1] = p0_tmp[3] # Approximate CDF x = np.sort(x) N = len(x) F = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): F[i] = i / (N + 1.0) # Divide into seven sets subset_shape_params = np.zeros(7) subset_scale_params = np.zeros(7) setLim = np.arange(0.60, 0.91, 0.05) for set in range(7): xset = x[(F > setLim[set])] Fset = F[(F > setLim[set])] popt, _ = optim.curve_fit(weibCDF, xset, Fset, p0=p0) subset_shape_params[set] = popt[0] subset_scale_params[set] = popt[1] # peaks distribution peaks_params = [1, np.mean(subset_shape_params), avg, np.mean(subset_scale_params)] peaks_dist = stats.exponweib(a=peaks_params[0], c=peaks_params[1], loc=peaks_params[2], scale=peaks_params[3]) # short-term extreme ratio = t_st / t_x N_st = N * ratio weib_cdf = weibCDF(x_e, peaks_params[1], peaks_params[3]) ste_cdf = weib_cdf ** N_st stextreme_dist = ecmDist(x_e, cdf=ste_cdf) return stextreme_dist, peaks_dist, subset_shape_params, \ subset_scale_params, peaks_params
[docs]def extremeDistribution_peaksOverThreshold(x, x_e, t_x, t_st, u): '''Approximates the short-term extreme distribution using the peaks over threshold method. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Independent random variable (global peaks) x_e : np.array Array of x values at which to evaluate the short-term extreme CDF t_x : float Time length of the x array t_st : float Short-term period u : float Threshold below which peaks (x) are ignored Returns ------- stextreme_dist: ecmDist object Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. stextreme_dist : ecmDist object Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. peaks_dist : ecmDist object Probability distribution of the peaks. peaksOverThreshold_dist: scipy.stats rv_frozen Probaility distribution of the peaks over threshold. pot_params: np.array length 3 Parameters of peak over threshold's distribution using Generalized Pareto[shape_c, loc, scale]. ''' # peaks over threshold pot = np.sort(x) pot = pot[(pot > u)] - u N = len(x) Npot = len(pot) # Fit a generalized Pareto pot_params =, floc=0.) peaksOverThreshold_dist = stats.genpareto(c=pot_params[0], loc=pot_params[1], scale=pot_params[2]) # peaks x_e_pot = x_e[x_e>=u] genpareto_cdf = peaksOverThreshold_dist.cdf(x_e_pot-u) A = 1. - genpareto_cdf k = 1.*Npot / (1.*N) peaks_cdf = 1. - (k * A) peaks_dist = ecmDist(x_e_pot, cdf=peaks_cdf) # short-term extreme ratio = t_st / t_x N_st = 1.*N * ratio ste_cdf = peaks_cdf ** N_st stextreme_dist = ecmDist(x_e_pot, cdf=ste_cdf) # return return stextreme_dist, peaks_dist, peaksOverThreshold_dist, pot_params
[docs]def extremeDistribution_blockMaximaGEV(x, t, t_st): '''Approximates the short-term extreme distribution using the block maxima method and the Generalized Extreme Value distribution. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Independent random variable (global peaks) t : np.array Time vector corresponding to x t_st : float Short-term period Returns ------- stextreme_dist: scipy.stats rv_frozen Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. stextreme_dist : scipy.stats rv_frozen Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. ste_params: np.array length 3 Parameters of the short term extreme distribution (Generalized Extreme Value) [shape_c, loc, scale]. block_maxima: np.array Block maxima (i.e. largest peak in each block). ''' block_maxima = blockMaxima(x, t, t_st) ste_parameters = stextreme_dist = stats.genextreme(c=ste_parameters[0], loc=ste_parameters[1], scale=ste_parameters[2]) return stextreme_dist, ste_parameters, block_maxima
[docs]def extremeDistribution_blockMaximaGumb(x, t, t_st): '''Approximates the short-term extreme distribution using the block maxima method and the Gumbel (right) distribution. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Independent random variable (global peaks) t : np.array Time vector corresponding to x t_st : float Short-term period Returns ------- stextreme_dist: scipy.stats rv_frozen Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. stextreme_dist : scipy.stats rv_frozen Probability distribution of the short-term extreme. ste_params: np.array length 2 Parameters of the short term extreme distribution (Gumbel_r) [loc, scale]. block_maxima: np.array Block maxima (i.e. largest peak in each block). ''' block_maxima = blockMaxima(x, t, t_st) ste_parameters = stextreme_dist = stats.gumbel_r(loc=ste_parameters[0], scale=ste_parameters[1]) return stextreme_dist, ste_parameters, block_maxima
[docs]def goodnessOfFitPlots(data, prob_func, x_pdf, bins_pdf=20, np_return=100001, m_prob=0., response_name='Response', response_name_2='Peaks', response_units='Response Units'): '''Creates plots showing the goodness of fit of a probability model to the actual data. The four subplots are: the probability plot, the quantile plot, the return level plot, and probability density function (PDF) plot. Parameters ---------- data : np.array Data which the probability model represents prob_func : {scipy.stats rv_frozen} or {ecmDist object} Probability function that models the data. x_pdf : np.array Array of x values at which to evaluate the PDF. bins_pdf : int Number of bins to use for the PDF plot. np_return: int Number of points to use in the return level plot. m_prob: float Number of points below min(data). Use if data consists of only values above a certain minimum and goodness of fit plots for entire population wanted. Returns ------- fgof : matplotlib.pyplot figure Figure containing the four goodness of fit subplots. ''' # nan instead of error if out-of-range if str(prob_func.__class__)=='WDRT.shortTermExtreme.ecmDist': prob_func.pdf.bounds_error=False prob_func.cdf.bounds_error=False prob_func.ppf.bounds_error=False # figure fgof = plt.figure() ax1 = fgof.add_subplot(2,2,1) plt.title('Probability Plot') plt.xlabel('Fit CDF') plt.ylabel('Empirical CDF') plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax2 = fgof.add_subplot(2,2,2) plt.title('Quantile Plot') plt.xlabel('Fit Inverse CDF') ylabel = response_name + ' ' + response_name_2 + ' [' + response_units + ']' plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax3 = fgof.add_subplot(2,2,3) ax3.set_xscale('log') plt.title('Return Level Plot') plt.xlabel('Return Period [' + response_name_2 + ']') ylabel = 'Return level [' + response_units + ']' plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax4 = fgof.add_subplot(2,2,4) plt.title('PDF') xlabel = response_name + ' ' + response_name_2 + ' [' + response_units + ']' plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ylabel('PDF') plt.tight_layout() # probability plot data = np.sort(data) N = len(data) _,cdf_emp = empiricalCdf(data,m=m_prob) cdf_model = prob_func.cdf(data) cdf_emp_p = cdf_emp[~np.isnan(cdf_model)] cdf_model = cdf_model[~np.isnan(cdf_model)] unit = np.arange(2) ax1.plot(cdf_emp_p, cdf_model,'o') ax1.plot(unit,unit,'k--') # quantile plot inv_cdf_model = prob_func.ppf(cdf_emp) data_q = data[~np.isnan(inv_cdf_model)] inv_cdf_model = inv_cdf_model[~np.isnan(inv_cdf_model)] ax2.plot(inv_cdf_model,data_q,'o') unit2 = np.arange(int(np.max(data)+1)) ax2.plot(unit2,unit2,'k--') # return level plot p = np.linspace(0,1,np_return) p = p[1:-1] p1 = 1. - p xp = 1./p zp = prob_func.ppf(p1) ax3.plot(xp,zp,'k--') ax3.plot(1./(1.-cdf_emp),data,'o') # pdf plot xpdf_emp,pdf_emp = empiricalPdf(data,bins_pdf,m=m_prob) pdf_model = prob_func.pdf(x_pdf) x_pdf = x_pdf[~np.isnan(pdf_model)] pdf_model = pdf_model[~np.isnan(pdf_model)],pdf_emp, align='center', width=0.75*((data[-1]-data[0])/bins_pdf), color='k',alpha=0.2) plt.plot(data,np.zeros(N),'bo') plt.plot(x_pdf, pdf_model, 'r-') xlim = ax4.get_xlim() ylim = ax4.get_ylim() plt.xlim([0,xlim[1]]) plt.ylim([0,ylim[1]]) # revert to error instead of nan if out-of-range if str(prob_func.__class__)=='WDRT.shortTermExtreme.ecmDist': prob_func.pdf.bounds_error=True prob_func.cdf.bounds_error=True prob_func.ppf.bounds_error=True # return return fgof
[docs]def compare_methods(x, t, t_st, methods=[1,2,3,4,5],colors=['g','b','r','k','k'],lines=['-','-','-','-','--']): '''Compares the results obtained using different methods to approximate the short-term extreme distribution. The methods are: 1 - All peaks Weibull, 2 - Weibull tail fit, 3 - Peaks over threshold, 4 - Block maxima GEV, 5 - Block maxima Gumbel, Parameters ---------- x : np.array Independent random variable (global peaks) t : np.array Time vector corresponding to x t_st : float Short-term period methods : list List of methods to be compared. Options are any combination of: 1, 2, 3, 4,and 5 colors : list Strings defining the color used to plot each method lines : list Strings defining the lines used to plot each method Returns ------- fig1 : matplotlib.pyplot figure Figure containing the comparison of peaks distribution. fig2 : matplotlib.pyplot figure Figure containing the comparison of short-term extreme distribution expected_value_of_short_term_extreme : dictionary Expected value of the short-term extreme distribution from each method ''' # get the 1-hour extreme distribution using the different methods x_e = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.max(x), 10000) t_x = (t[-1]-t[0]) + ((t[-1]-t[0])/(1.*len(x))) expected_value_of_short_term_extreme = {} # 1 - All peaks Weibull if 1 in methods: m1 = {} m1['stextreme_dist'], m1['peaks_dist'], _ = extremeDistribution_Weibull(x=x, x_e=x_e, t_x=t_x, t_st=t_st) m1['ev'] = m1['stextreme_dist'].getExpVal() expected_value_of_short_term_extreme['all_peaks_weibull'] = m1['ev'] # 2 - Weibull tail fit if 2 in methods: m2 = {} m2['stextreme_dist'], m2['peaks_dist'], _, _, _ = extremeDistribution_WeibullTailFit(x=x, x_e=x_e, t_x=t_x, t_st=t_st) m2['ev'] = m2['stextreme_dist'].getExpVal() expected_value_of_short_term_extreme['weibull_tail_fit'] = m2['ev'] # 3 - Peaks over threshold if 3 in methods: m3 = {} thresh = np.mean(x) + 1.4*np.std(x) thresh_x = np.min(x_e[x_e>thresh]) m3['stextreme_dist'], m3['peaks_dist'], m3['pot_dist'], _ = extremeDistribution_peaksOverThreshold(x=x, x_e=x_e, t_x=t_x, t_st=t_st, u=thresh) m3['ev'] = m3['stextreme_dist'].getExpVal() expected_value_of_short_term_extreme['peaks_over_threshhold'] = m3['ev'] # 4 - Block maxima GEV if 4 in methods: m4 = {} m4['stextreme_dist'],_,_ = extremeDistribution_blockMaximaGEV(x=x, t=t, t_st=t_st) m4['ev'] = m4['stextreme_dist'].mean() expected_value_of_short_term_extreme['block_maxima_gev'] = m4['ev'] # 5 - Block maxima Gumbel if 5 in methods: m5 = {} m5['stextreme_dist'],_,_ = extremeDistribution_blockMaximaGumb(x=x, t=t, t_st=t_st) m5['ev'] = m5['stextreme_dist'].mean() expected_value_of_short_term_extreme['block_maxima_gumbel'] = m5['ev'] # plot peaks distribution fig1 = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) if 1 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m1['peaks_dist'].pdf(x_e), colors[0]+lines[0], label='All Peaks Weibull') if 2 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m2['peaks_dist'].pdf(x_e), colors[1]+lines[1], label='Weibull Tail Fit') if 3 in methods: plt.plot(x_e[x_e>thresh_x], m3['peaks_dist'].pdf(x_e[x_e>thresh_x]), colors[2]+lines[2], label='Peaks Over Threshhold') xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() plt.ylim([0,ylim[1]]) plt.xlim([0,xlim[1]]) plt.ylabel('$PDF(x)$') plt.grid(True) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.title('Peaks Distribution') plt.legend() ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) if 1 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m1['peaks_dist'].cdf(x_e), colors[0]+lines[0], label='All Peaks Weibull') if 2 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m2['peaks_dist'].cdf(x_e), colors[1]+lines[1], label='Weibull Tail Fit') if 3 in methods: plt.plot(x_e[x_e>thresh_x], m3['peaks_dist'].cdf(x_e[x_e>thresh_x]), colors[2]+lines[2], label='Peaks Over Threshhold') xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() plt.ylim([0,ylim[1]]) plt.xlim([0,xlim[1]]) plt.xlabel('Response, $x$') plt.ylabel('$CDF(x)$') plt.grid(True) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) # plot short-term extreme distribution fig2 = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) if 1 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m1['stextreme_dist'].pdf(x_e), colors[0]+lines[0], label='All Peaks Weibull') plt.plot(m1['ev'],m1['stextreme_dist'].pdf(m1['ev']),colors[0]+'o') if 2 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m2['stextreme_dist'].pdf(x_e), colors[1]+lines[1], label='Weibull Tail Fit') plt.plot(m2['ev'],m2['stextreme_dist'].pdf(m2['ev']),colors[1]+'o') if 3 in methods: plt.plot(x_e[x_e>thresh_x], m3['stextreme_dist'].pdf(x_e[x_e>thresh_x]), colors[2]+lines[2], label='Peaks Over Threshhold') plt.plot(m3['ev'],m3['stextreme_dist'].pdf(m3['ev']),colors[2]+'o') if 4 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m4['stextreme_dist'].pdf(x_e), colors[3]+lines[3], label='Block Maxima (GEV)') plt.plot(m4['ev'],m4['stextreme_dist'].pdf(m4['ev']),colors[3]+'o') if 5 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m5['stextreme_dist'].pdf(x_e), colors[4]+lines[4], label='Block Maxima (Gumb)') plt.plot(m5['ev'],m5['stextreme_dist'].pdf(m5['ev']),colors[4]+'o') xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() plt.ylim([0,ylim[1]]) plt.xlim([0,xlim[1]]) plt.ylabel('$PDF(x)$') plt.grid(True) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.title('Short-Term Extreme Distribution') plt.legend() ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) if 1 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m1['stextreme_dist'].cdf(x_e), colors[0]+lines[0], label='All Peaks Weibull') plt.plot(m1['ev'],m1['stextreme_dist'].cdf(m1['ev']),colors[0]+'o') if 2 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m2['stextreme_dist'].cdf(x_e), colors[1]+lines[1], label='Weibull Tail Fit') plt.plot(m2['ev'],m2['stextreme_dist'].cdf(m2['ev']),colors[1]+'o') if 3 in methods: plt.plot(x_e[x_e>thresh_x], m3['stextreme_dist'].cdf(x_e[x_e>thresh_x]), colors[2]+lines[2], label='Peaks Over Threshhold') plt.plot(m3['ev'],m3['stextreme_dist'].cdf(m3['ev']),colors[2]+'o') if 4 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m4['stextreme_dist'].cdf(x_e), colors[3]+lines[3], label='Block Maxima (GEV)') plt.plot(m4['ev'],m4['stextreme_dist'].cdf(m4['ev']),colors[3]+'o') if 5 in methods: plt.plot(x_e, m5['stextreme_dist'].cdf(x_e), colors[4]+lines[4], label='Block Maxima (Gumb)') plt.plot(m5['ev'],m5['stextreme_dist'].cdf(m5['ev']),colors[4]+'o') xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() plt.ylim([0,ylim[1]]) plt.xlim([0,xlim[1]]) plt.xlabel('Response, $x$') plt.ylabel('$CDF(x)$') plt.grid(True) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0, 0)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) # return print('expected_value_of_short_term_extreme:') print(expected_value_of_short_term_extreme) return fig1, fig2, expected_value_of_short_term_extreme